Troubleshooting of Spa & Hot Tub Noises

After a long day at work, you decided to take a relaxing bath in your hot tub. However, when you turned on the water, the pump of the tub started humming. You might think that the water in the tub is already running low, or there might be a problem with the air lock.

This issue occurs when the improper draining of the hot tub leads to the accumulation of air pockets inside the pipes. This issue could eventually cause the pump to break. Fortunately, there are ways to remove these air pockets without causing the issue to worsen.


Vibration Noise on Spas

Getting rid of the noises from a hot tub can be a nuisance, but there are ways to reduce it. Unfortunately, too many hot tub noise complaints can lead to conflicts between neighbors.

There are two causes of spa vibration noise, 1. Hot Tubs sitting on small wooden decks, and 2. Hot Tub equipment vibration, underneath the spa.

In the first case, the vibrating bass from the wood deck makes the spa sound like a drone. To address this issue, a cut-out wood deck can be made to fit the spa, and a concrete slab is poured over it to provide a proper resting place.

The second case is that the vibration is caused by the equipment located under the cabinet. Usually, these components are the culprit when it comes to jet pumps and circulation pumps. You can also find out if the base bolts are missing by inspecting the jets.

There are also cases where a hot tub is mounted on a concrete slab or under a bedroom window. Since they can still be annoying even at low speeds, there are some solutions that can help reduce or block the sound.



A clicking sound may be coming from a hot tub or spa, but it could also be caused by a faulty relay or a contactor. If the issue persists, try turning off the power and look for the part that's causing the clicking sound.



A hot tub or spa pump that suddenly makes a loud screeching sound will most likely have worn out its motor bearings. Not fixing this issue will cause the pump to fail, and it will eventually sound like a banshee.

To check the motor's condition, open all valves and remove the motor. If the noise still persists, try turning on power and see if it still makes the noise.



If a pump motor is not starting, it may make a humming sound. This is usually caused by the motor capacitor not being used.A vibrating spa can be triggered by either the sub-floor or the equipment located under it. Make sure all of these components are secured tightly and are ready to be installed.



A buzzing sound that's similar to a clicking sound but is also different is usually caused by a motor that's having trouble starting. It could also be caused by a relay or heater that's not working properly.

Having a good ear for what's going on in a hot tub or a Jacuzzi is the key to finding the cause of any issues.



  If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!

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