How to Use Pool Style 30,000 Gal. Closing Kit

Summer is an excellent time for swimming, but it also means that pool season is coming to an end. Closing your pool for the season can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and supplies, it doesn’t have to be.

One of the best tools for closing your pool is the Pool Style 30,000 Gal. Closing Kit. This kit includes all the necessary chemicals, equipment, and instructions to safely close your pool for the winter.

Here’s how to use the Pool Style 30,000 Gal. Closing Kit to close your pool in no time.

1. Balance the Water:

The first step is to balance the water in your pool. Test the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels and adjust them accordingly.

2. Shock the Pool:

Once the water is balanced, shock the pool with chlorine and algaecide according to the instructions in the kit. This will kill any remaining bacteria and algae in the pool.

3. Clean the Pool:

After shocking the pool, it’s important to clean it thoroughly. Vacuum the pool and brush the walls and floor to remove any debris.

4. Add the Closing Chemicals:

Once the pool is clean, add the closing chemicals included in the kit. This will help protect the pool from algae and bacteria over the winter.

5. Lower the Water Level:

Lower the water level in the pool to below the skimmer and main drain. This will prevent water from freezing and damaging the pool in the winter.

6. Cover the Pool:

Finally, cover the pool with a winter cover to protect it from the elements. Secure the cover in place with water bags or sand bags.

By following these steps, you can easily close your pool for the winter with the Pool Style 30,000 Gal. Closing Kit. This kit includes all the necessary chemicals, equipment, and instructions to help you close your pool quickly and safely. With the Pool Style 30,000 Gal. Closing Kit, you can enjoy a worry-free winter knowing your pool is prepared for the cold weather.

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