How to Use Applied Biochemists Wintertrine Algaecide Cleanser for Swimming Pool Closing, 1/2 gal

The end of summer is a great time to close your swimming pool for the winter. But before you do, you'll want to make sure your pool is clean and free of algae. That's where Applied Biochemists Wintertrine Algaecide Cleanser comes in. This powerful algaecide cleanser is specifically designed for pool closing and is an essential part of any pool closing process.

Here's how to use it to get your pool ready for winter:

1. Start by testing and adjusting the pH and alkalinity levels in your pool. You'll need to make sure that your pool is balanced before you add any algaecide.

2. Once your pool is balanced, add the Wintertrine Algaecide Cleanser. To do this, you'll need to calculate how much you need based on your pool size. The package will have instructions on how to do this.

3. Once you've added the algaecide, you'll need to let it circulate through your pool for at least 24 hours.

4. After 24 hours, you'll want to check the water to make sure the algaecide has been completely distributed. If it has, you can then start the process of closing your pool.

5. For optimal results, you'll also want to shock your pool after adding the algaecide. This will help to kill any remaining algae and bacteria in the water.

Using Applied Biochemists Wintertrine Algaecide Cleanser is an essential part of the pool closing process. It will help to kill any algae and bacteria in your pool, making sure it's clean and ready for winter. With just a few simple steps, you can easily use this algaecide to get your pool ready for winter.

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