How to Use CLEARVIEW WS1500CF Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit (15,000 Gallon)

Winter is quickly approaching, and it's important to make sure your pool is prepared for the colder months. If you have a 15,000-gallon pool, the CLEARVIEW WS1500CF Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit is an ideal solution for your winterizing needs. This comprehensive kit includes everything you need to protect your pool from freezing temperatures and keep it in tip-top shape until spring.

The CLEARVIEW WS1500CF Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit includes a three-part chemical treatment that will help keep your pool clean and healthy throughout the winter months.

  1. The first part of the kit is a chlorine-free algaecide, which helps to prevent the growth of algae that can contaminate your pool.
  2. The second part is a clarifier that helps clear the water of debris and cloudiness.
  3. The third part is a winterizing shock that helps balance the pH of the pool and prevent it from becoming stagnant.

Once you have the chemicals prepared, it's time to begin the winterizing process.

  • Start by testing the pH of the pool to make sure it is between 7.2 and 7.6. If it is too high or too low, you will need to adjust it using the provided chemicals.
  • Next, add the chlorine-free algaecide to the pool and let it circulate for 24 hours. After this, add the clarifier and let it circulate for another 24 hours.
  • Finally, add the winterizing shock and let it circulate for 48 hours.

Once all the chemicals have been added and circulated, it's time to close the pool.

  • Start by draining the water level to below the skimmer. This will help reduce the amount of water in the pool, which helps reduce the risk of freezing.
  • After this, remove the filter cartridges and store them in a dry place.
  • Then, cover the pool with a winterizing pool cover and secure it with a cable and winch system. This will keep the pool safe from debris and animals while also preventing water evaporation.

The CLEARVIEW WS1500CF Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit is an essential tool for anyone with a 15,000-gallon pool. This comprehensive kit includes everything you need to protect your pool from freezing temperatures and keep it in tip-top shape until spring. With the easy-to-follow instructions, your pool will be ready for the winter months in no time.

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