How to Use Doheny's Ultimate Pool Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit (for Pools Up to 15,000 Gallons)

If you’re preparing your pool for winter, Doheny’s Ultimate Pool Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit is an excellent choice. This kit has all the chemicals you need to successfully winterize and close your pool, and it’s suitable for pools up to 15,000 gallons.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps of using Doheny’s Ultimate Pool Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit.

1. Balance the Pool Water:

Before you start closing your pool, you’ll need to balance the water. Test the water for pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Adjust the levels as needed to reach the desired levels.

2. Clean the Pool:

Thoroughly clean your pool, removing all debris and dirt from the walls and bottom. You may also want to run an algaecide to prevent any algae growth.

3. Shock the Pool:

Shock your pool with chlorine or non-chlorine shock to kill any bacteria and other contaminants.

4. Add Winterizing Chemicals:

Add the chemicals in the Doheny’s Ultimate Pool Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit to your pool. Follow the instructions on the package for the best results.

5. Lower the Water Level:

Lower the water level slightly below the skimmer and return lines. This will help protect them from freezing and damage.

6. Cover the Pool:

Cover your pool with a winterizing cover to protect it from debris and animals. Make sure the cover is securely fastened to keep it in place.

By following these steps, you can use Doheny’s Ultimate Pool Winterizing and Closing Chemical Kit to successfully winterize and close your pool. With the right chemicals and the right steps, you can keep your pool safe and secure during the winter months.

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