When the water content of the pipe or filter exceeds half full, there is little room for expansion. This can cause materials to burst and damage the ice pressure inside.
In today's lesson, we'll talk about how to avoid freeze damage in a hot tub or spa. It can be costly and complex to repair, and in some cases, it could total the spa.
1. Winterize the Spa
Winterizing a spa is not recommended unless you know that it won't be used for more than 3 months. This is also the reason why it's not recommended to use a vacation home.
Winterizing the spa involves draining the water from the facility, and using air to blow the lines.
Winterizing a Spa is a service that many spa companies offer. It's not difficult to do, but it's important to ensure that the service provider has the proper equipment and supplies to properly perform the service.
2. Use Freeze Protection
Modern spa packs have a feature that will automatically turn on the circulation pump when the temperature gets too close to freezing. This feature is only available in certain control options.
Freeze protection works by communicating with a controller that's connected to the pump power circuit. This type of protection is usually installed on all of our older spa packs.
3. Run the Pump
If the water is flowing through the pipes, then the jets will not freeze. If your spa has the ability to do so, then open all of the jets.
The water in most cases does not need to be heated. However, it can still be heated if the temperature drops below 32 degrees. This is because the equipment can still be heated under a closed skirt.
During winter, it's important to keep your pump running 24 hours a day. It's also possible to set the time clock to keep it at 10 minutes every half hour.
- Adding heat to your spa, a hot spa can give 24 hours of protection
- Keeping a tight fitting spa cover in place and secure
- Spa insulation - the more there is, the more protection you have
- Hang a 100 watt shop light, under the skirt, next to the spa pack
When checking a hot tub or spa for frozen equipment, inspect its pipes first. If the issue is severe, try thawing it out using electric space heaters.
If you have a large enough tent, you can easily thaw out a spa in a few hours. Just set up the tent over the spa, and use a small heater to keep the temperature steady.
A simple garden hose can be attached to a sink faucet to raise the water temperature to a faster thaw.
When your power goes out during winter, remember that a good fitting spa cover can keep a heated spa at a safe temperature for up to 24 hours.
To maintain some heat in the spa skirt during a power outage, hang a 100W shop light near the spa pack. It's also possible to use a small space heater inside the cabinet to keep the atmosphere warm.
If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!