This guide will teach you about the basic chemistry of swimming pools. It will help you keep your pool looking its best.
When it comes to keeping your pool looking great, it's important to keep your water moving and clean. You'll also need to make sure that the debris is removed and the dead spots are cleaned.
Previously we talked about the importance of water circulation. Today we're talking about the second and third steps: Cleaning and Chemistry.
Frequency: Vacuum once a week. Brush and Skim once per day.
The next step in the pool maintenance process is cleaning. This includes brushing the pool, cleaning the debris, and vacuuming the pool.
Scrubbing the walls of a pool with a pool brush helps prevent staining and algae growth. It also prevents scaling and prevents the appearance of dead areas.
This method will remove large pieces of debris from the water that are difficult to remove with a net or leaf rake.
Aside from keeping your pool clean, it's also important to vacuum it. This can be done through a vacuum head, hose, or pole.
Frequency: Test 1-2 times per week. Shock Bi-Weekly.
A good test kit will help keep your pool water balanced. It can detect the various chemicals in its body and remove harmful bacteria and algae.
Test Your Water & Balance Chemicals
To maintain a healthy balance in your pool's water, it's best to test your water weekly. This procedure will tell you if you need to add chemicals to keep it balanced. Most pool supply stores and retailers sell test strips that allow swimmers to test the water's chemical composition.
- pH: Ideally, your pool water should have a pH level of about 7.5. This level can help prevent various issues, such as equipment corrosion and algae growth.
- Calcium hardness: A balanced calcium hardness is key to keeping your pool looking its best. For most people, this number should be between 200 and 400 ppm. Too high a calcium hardness can damage your pool's plaster or vinyl liner. It can also cause deposits to form on the surface.
- Alkalinity is a vital component of keeping your pool clean. It should be in a range of 120 to 150 ppm. If it gets too low, it can affect the pH of your pool and its surfaces.
- Chlorine is a chlorine-based chemical that helps remove harmful bacteria from your pool water. It’s also used to keep your pool water clean.
- Phosphates: If your pool water is green or has a certain amount of phosphorus, it is possible that the amount of phosphates in your pool is too high. Having too many of these can make algae growth more likely.
Shocking the Pool
Frequency: Shock every 1-2 weeks.
Aside from keeping your pool balanced, it’s also important to regularly shock it to kill off any bacteria or contaminants. This can help prevent the formation of organic matter in the water.
You should always shock your pool more frequently if it's used too much. It's also important to shock it after periods of heavy use and weathering:
- After an intense storm
- After a spill or unexpected contamination
- After an algae breakout
Follow these simple steps to maintain a crystal-clear pool. You will be able to avoid algae growth and maintain a clean and clear water supply.
This post was originally published on Swimming pool
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