What You Should Know About Pool Closures

Most of the time, homeowners make numerous mistakes when it comes to closing their swimming pools.

You better close your pool at the right time. If you don't - you may still do more harm than good.


Just follow this steps:

  1. Protect the pool from algaecide and metal residue: brush, shock, sanitize, and balance the pool thoroughly. Add 10 ounces of algaecide per 10,000 gallons of pool water.
  2. Vacuum any debris off the pool bottom.
  3. Allow pool chemicals to filter for 24 hours.
  4. Drain water down as necessary, but not below the skimmer for fiberglass.
  5. Remove all plugs and water from pump and filter system, including any heating elements like a heat pump.
  6. Blow out pool's plumbing lines and plug all lines. We recommend using an air compressor. Be sure to add a skimmer plug, called a "Gizzmo," to the skimmer.
  7. Remove any ladders or handrails.
  8. Place the cover on top of the pool and secure it. For solid vinyl or tarp covers, remember to place a pump in the center of the cover to pump off any rainwater.

You can hire a pool cleaning service to do all the work for you, which includes cleaning the pool and its surrounding areas. They might ask you to do some basic cleaning, such as washing the pool and vacuuming it.


This post was originally published on RiverPools


If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!

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