How to Use Leslie's Standard Pool Closing Kit for up to 7500 Gallons

Pool season is right around the corner and for those of us who own a pool, it’s time to start thinking about closing it for the winter. Closing your pool correctly is crucial to making sure that everything stays in perfect condition for the next summer.

One of the essential items you need for a successful pool closing is a pool closing kit. Leslie’s Standard Pool Closing Kit for up to 7500 Gallons is a great option for pool owners.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it.

1. Start by lowering the pool’s water level. You should lower it to below the skimmer level. This will prevent the skimmer from freezing during the winter.

2. Once the water level is low enough, you can start adding the chemicals from the Leslie’s Standard Pool Closing Kit. Start by adding the chlorine shock and then the algaecide. Make sure to evenly distribute them throughout the pool and follow the instructions on the package.

3. Once you’ve added all of the chemicals, it’s time to clean the pool. This includes brushing the walls and vacuuming the bottom. Make sure to remove all debris from the pool and make sure the filter is clean.

4. After you’ve finished cleaning the pool, you can start to winterize it. This includes adding antifreeze to the skimmer lines and the return lines. It also includes putting a winter cover on the pool.

5. Finally, you can finish up by adding the Leslie’s Standard Pool Closing Kit. This includes adding the winterizing pill and the winterizing tablets. Make sure to evenly distribute them throughout the pool and follow the instructions on the package.

Following these steps will ensure that your pool is properly closed for the winter and that it will be in great condition next summer. So make sure to get your Leslie’s Standard Pool Closing Kit for up to 7500 Gallons and get to work!

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