A quality hot tub cover should last for at least five years in the outdoors. It should also be well- maintained to prevent damage.
Good Hot Tub Covers have a strong long-term warranty covering various construction faults and material defects. Even though you can have a strong warranty, we've compiled a list of helpful tips to help minimize the risk of having to make a warranty claim.
Avoid the 5 following mistakes connected with using Spa Covers.
UV rays from the Sun can also damage most surfaces. They can also give life to plants, but they are also detrimental to the appearance of most surfaces. UV rays can damage your spa cover.
Protect your spa cover once or twice a year with a conditioner. This product will keep it soft and pliable while protecting it from UV rays.
The El Nio season is coming, which means more powerful winds and more frequent storms. This can cause a hot tub cover to pop up and send it flying across the yard.
Protect your spa cover from high winds by investing in hurricane straps for spa covers. These are designed to secure spa cover clips to the structure.
Having a good spa cover is important, as it can help keep the water running smoothly. However, if it gets wet, it should be replaced with a new set of automatic sprinklers.
When it comes to keeping your spa cover protected from the sun and rain, simply add a roof over your spa, patio, or pergola. This will help keep the cover from getting damaged.
Spa Cover Cap
Water from above can also damage a spa cover's foam core. This issue can cause mold and mildew to form, and this is why our spa cover foam core is vacuum wrapped and heat sealed.
To prevent the absorption of moisture into the spa, it is important to remove the cover completely. This will allow the air to escape and allow the spa to breathe.
There have been reports of bears getting attracted to the scent of a spa cover. However, this is a rare occurrence.
Most damage is caused by large dogs. The warm springs are what attract them and can weaken or damage the foam panels and reinforcement channels.
Party animals can also damage a spa cover. For some kids, the idea of a spa is just as bad as having a party animal. Keep all 'animals' off of your spa cover - a lot of weight is an enemy that attacks suddenly, destroying a spa cover in seconds.
The chemicals found in your spa water can severely affect the materials used to make the cover. This can cause the vinyl to eventually deteriorate and the seams to become weak.
The chemicals found on the top of a spa cover can also damage the vinyl. This is because, when mixed with harsh cleaners, these can cause the vinyl to shrink and turn into a stain.
If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!