Bestway Pool Guide: Chemicals

If you’re planning on having a swimming pool one day, but you’re not sure how much space or budget it will take, an above-ground Bestway pool might be the solution.

Having an above-ground pool can provide you with long-term peace of mind, as it will not require regular maintenance. You can set it up once the sun is shining, and it will be ready to go for the winter season.

Today we'll talk about using chemicals in Bestway pools. Let's dive in!

When it comes to keeping your swimming pool clean and safe, you should regularly use pool chemicals. Some of the most common pool chemicals include algaecide, water sanitiser, and pH balancer.


Although algaecide is not essential, it can be a great tool for new pool owners who are looking to keep their pool clean. This natural plant matter can help turn the water green quickly by growing inside the pool. Follow the instructions carefully when using algaecide.

Water Sanitation

One of the most important factors that you should consider when it comes to keeping your pool clean is using chlorine. This chemical can kill harmful bacteria and keep the water free of them. For Bestway pools, use either chlorine or bromine water sanitary.

The levels of chemicals in your Bestway pool should be regularly checked. This will allow you to keep the water clean and safe.

The levels of chemicals that should be used in your Bestway pool are: 1 to 3 parts per million for chlorine, and 2 to 4 parts per million for bromine. Never use both of these chemicals in your pool at the same time!

pH Balancer

Having the proper pH balance is also important to keep your pool clean and safe. If the water's pH is too low, it can cause various problems, such as a green pool and equipment damage.

To avoid these issues, make sure that the pH level of your Bestway pool is the same as the levels that you would use for your regular chlorine. Ideally, the water should be at a pH of around 7.2 to 7.6.

If the pH level is not at a level that you would expect, you'll need to treat the water with either a pH Minus or pH Plus treatment.

Shock Treatments

Since Bestway pools are above ground, it's important that the water is treated properly from the very beginning. Once the pool is full, it's unlikely that the water will have much chlorine.

You should use a shock or starter dose right after you have your pool up to prevent harmful bacteria and algae from developing. You should allow around 50g of chlorine granules for every 1,000 gallons.

Storing Bestway Pool Chemicals

You should also take the necessary steps to store and use your Bestway pool chemicals properly. They should be stored in a cool dry area and out of reach of children. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and wash your hands after using the chemicals.


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