Baking Soda: Alternative to Chlorine Neutralizer

Swimming pools are often treated with chlorine to keep them hygienic and bacteria-free. However, excessive use of this chemical can lead to various health issues.

Unfortunately, people who are aware of the harmful effects of excessive use of chlorine are often looking for easy solutions such as baking soda. However, this method is not always effective.

Will Baking Soda Really Work?

Although baking soda can help decrease the level of chlorine in a pool or hot tub, it does not directly remove it. Instead, it increases its pH level and alkalinity. A higher pH level can help neutralize the dissolved chlorine in the water. It can also help evaporate the chlorine gas.

The higher the pH level, the better it is for neutralizing harmful bacteria in a swimming pool. However, a lower pH level can make it difficult for the chlorine neutralizers to work. To maintain a low chlorine level, increase the alkalinity.

One of the most common chemicals used to decrease the level of chlorine in a swimming pool is baking soda. It can be easily accessible and inexpensive. When added to water with a lower pH level, baking soda increases the alkalinity and helps neutralize chlorine.

Certain chemicals, such as sodium thiosulfate and hydrogen peroxide, are known to be effective chlorine neutralizers. However, they can only be used if the pH level is higher. After baking soda is added to the water, the pH level will not be a constrain.

Hydrogen peroxide is also known to be effective at reducing the level of chlorine in a swimming pool. When it is combined with chlorine, the resulting gas will evaporate, resulting in a reduction in the chlorine level.

How Much Baking Soda Do You Need to Neutralize Chlorine Level?

In order to maintain the cleanliness of water pools and water tubs, chlorine is an essential component. It can kill germs and bacteria by lowering the pH level.

Unfortunately, over-chlorinated water can pose a threat to people. To neutralize the harmful effects of chlorine, various chemicals are used.

Although baking soda has a higher pH level, it's still an alkaline chemical, which means it can increase the level of other chemicals that can react with it. For instance, if added to chlorine, baking soda can help increase the chlorine's neutralizing power.

A study revealed that adding 1.5 pounds of baking soda to 10,000 gallons of water can increase the alkalinity by 10 ppm. In addition, if the water's pH level is below 7.2, adding around three to four pounds of baking soda can help minimize the acid content of the water.

Dangerous Level of Chlorine in the Swimming Pool.

By removing harmful germs and bacteria from a swimming pool, chlorine can help it become more habitable for swimmers. However, even at a safe level, chlorine can cause various skin conditions such as diarrhea and rashes.

The level of chlorine in the water is measured using a part per milliliter unit, which is commonly referred to as the chlorine level. Ideally, a residential swimming pool should have a chlorine level of around 1-3 PPM. On the other hand, public pools can have a level of around 3-6 PPM.

If the chlorine level is greater than 6 PPM, swimming pools should be avoided. However, if the level is between 9 and 10 PPM, this is considered harmful for swimming.

High levels of chlorine are not only harmful to humans, they can also cause damage to the swimming pool in the long run. By reducing the pH level, the higher the chlorine content, the more it can cause staining and odor.

So test your swimming pool regularly to avoid that kind of problems

Use a pH test strip to check the level of chlorine in your water. The goal is to have a range of 7.2-7.6 to determine if it's too high. However, anything over 8 is a red flag that the water has too much chlorine.

If you are newbie in pool maintenance, we are welcome you to read our articles about What is Chlorine Neutralizer and How to Use It.


If added to the water, baking soda can increase the pH level and the alkalinity of the pool. This effect can also cause other chemical neutralizers to react with the water and evaporate its chlorine. Although it does not directly reduce the chlorine level, baking soda is an essential component of chlorine neutralization.


At Discover My Store we provide the best Chlorine Neutralizers for your pool! Here you can buy it!

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