Acrylic Spas vs. Rotomolded Spas

Back then, hot tubs were made of wood, fiberglass, and then acrylic. This type of spa shell is molded into a cabinet or resin base. It is backed by many layers and can be installed in a variety of materials.

In the late 90s, a few companies started to produce rotational molding spas. This technique allows for the construction of a spa using a single polymer plastic shell.

Initially, the industry thought that people wanted to use plastic baths. As sales of hot tubs increased, manufacturers started to notice.

Most major players in the hot tub industry are still offering acrylic hot tubs, but they are also offering rotomolded models.



PROS: Rotomold hot tubs are significantly cheaper than acrylic ones. They are also extremely durable, and they don't require an electrician to use.

CONS: The appearance of the spa's internal surface is not as pretty as the acrylic hot tub. Also, the plug and play models are not as durable as the more expensive models.



PROS:An acrylic tub has a deep lustrous shine that is usually missing from a rotomolded one. Wood panel cabinet options are also nice features of acrylic baths. They are also more full featured with a variety of options and equipment.

CONS:First of all, acrylic spas are significantly heavier and harder to move around than their molded counterparts. They can also cost more than double the amount of money.


 If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!

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