Winter Care for Sunbelt Pools – 3 Tips

If you live in a warm climate, then you might be able to avoid the harsh winters that usually occur in areas that see little freezing temperatures. This article will give you some helpful tips for keeping your pool maintained during the cooler months.

There are many factors to consider when it comes to closing a pool. We'll go over the various options and provide helpful tips on how to handle these different types of pool closures.


Full Pool Closure

A complete pool closure refers to the process of closing a pool system during the winter season. This type of closure usually involves a hard shut-down of the pool system, as well as the winterization of the pool. A full pool closure typically involves the following steps:

- Thoroughly clean the pool with a brush, rake, and vacuum.

- Balance the water and add pool closing chemicals.

- Lower the water level below the skimmer.

- Turn off power to the pool. Drain all pool equipment, including pump, filter, and pool cleaner. Where appropriate, disconnect the equipment and store it out of the elements.

- Blow out the pool lines and/or add pool antifreeze to the plumbing. Add winter plugs and gizzmos.

- Remove ladders and other accessories in or around the pool area.

- Cover the pool.

PROS: When it comes to keeping your pool closed during the winter, it can be a lifesaver. Not only will it save you money on energy, it will also give you the time to enjoy the pool instead of worrying about cleaning it up afterwards.

CONS: The higher the temperature, the harder it is for swimmers to keep the algae in check. Since chemicals added to keep the water cold may get used up quickly, closing the pool may be an option.

While in the sunbelt states, it's important to check the water balance to make sure that the sanitizer is still enough to kill algae. Also, make sure that the pool is covered to prevent water leaks.


Partial Pool Closure

A partial pool closure is a type of pool closure that's usually not as intensive as a full closure. However, it still requires a bit of maintenance to keep the pool running smoothly.

A partial pool closure is similar to a full pool closure, but it doesn't involve draining the pool equipment or lowering the water level. It's also a great way to conserve energy. You can partially close a pool with these simple steps:

- Thoroughly clean the pool with a brush, rake, and vacuum.

- Balance the water and add chemicals as necessary. Add stain prevention and algaecide just like you would for a full pool closing.

- Make sure the filter, pump basket, and skimmer basket are clean and free of debris.

- Winterize or remove anything that won't be needed during the winter season.

Although pool covers are not required with partially closed, they can help keep debris out of the pool and reduce evaporation. Follow your usual pool maintenance routine. Test the water and add sanitizer as needed every 2 weeks.

If you have a salt water pool, you should winterize and store the cell to avoid damaging it. Winterizing and storing the cell can help prevent damage caused by chlorine.

PROS: The amount of time and money that goes into maintaining a pool is significantly less than if you were to stay open all winter. Also, partially closed pools are very easy to reopen.

CONS: Although it's not as simple as keeping a pool open, staying in a partially closed pool can be very time-consuming. Having the proper equipment and procedures can help minimize freeze damage.


No Pool Closure

Even in areas where the temperature rises significantly during the winter, a pool heater can keep your pool open and swimming comfortably year-round.

PROS: You can enjoy the benefits of your pool all year long!

CONS: Not only will it save you money on energy, it will also provide you with less maintenance. However, it'll also cost you more in the long run. Having a heater that's regularly used will also cause your pool to freeze.

A solar pool cover is a great way to keep the heat in the water and reduce the rate of evaporation. It does so by insulating the surface of the pool and reducing the amount of heat loss.

Whether its a pool closing or a cover, we have the products and services to keep your pool looking great all winter long.


If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!

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