Useful Baby Swim Tips

Getting your baby to join the fun of swimming is a great first step in a lifelong journey. There are many simple and fun ways to enjoy the pool with your child.

Having a baby swims can be a great bonding experience, as it can help develop their bodies and skills. Also, being exposed to water can help improve their coordination and balance.

We've rounded up some great baby swim tips to ensure a positive, fun and safe environment for your little one. Here are the highlights:

  1. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends swimming lessons starting at age 1.
  2. When introducing your baby to the pool, always start with face-to-face positioning.
  3. Hold your baby on his/her back in a cradling position when you are in the pool.


    The right time for swim lessons

    If your baby has been given a bath in the bathtub, it’s likely that they already know how water feels. Also, it’s a good indicator of whether they’re still not comfortable with the water.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends swimming lessons for all children starting at age 1.


    Quality face-to-face time

    Make sure that your baby is facing you as you enter the pool. This will help calm your baby down and make him or her feel comfortable in the water.

    Although it's very easy to introduce babies to water, this method can still cause them to feel uneasy. They should be introduced to the water gradually to avoid causing them to become traumatized by the experience.


    Cradle your baby in the pool

    This technique will help parents introduce their baby to water. It will also help them feel like they are in a familiar environment. To ensure that their baby is safe and secure, keep their bodies close to each other.


    Other baby swim tips to remember

    These tips can be helpful for anyone, but they're especially important for parents when it comes to keeping their kids safe. Unfortunately, around one in five kids die from drowning.

    If a baby's lips turn blue or their body is shivering, then it's time to stop swimming.

    If your child is sick, don’t take his or her swimming lesson until the child is feeling better. It’s important to wait a full 48 hours before returning to the pool.

    Since many people with skin conditions have allergic reactions to chlorine, it is possible that your baby’s skin could not agree with the water quality. If this is the case, then it is best to remove your child from the pool water and consult a doctor.

    If your baby's skin doesn't react to the water, then it's time to get back to the chlorinated water.

    We hope that your baby's swim lessons are as fun as they are educational. If your child is not a fan of the water, try introducing them to water a bit later in life.


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