How to Use SeaKlear 90243SKR Opening & Winterizing Kit Spa Accessories

Are you looking for the perfect way to open and winterize your spa? Look no further, the SeaKlear 90243SKR Opening & Winterizing Kit Spa Accessories is just what you need! This kit contains everything you need to open and winterize your spa, and will make the process hassle-free.

First, you’ll need to gather the necessary supplies. The SeaKlear 90243SKR Opening & Winterizing Kit Spa Accessories includes a filter cleaner, filter flosser, filter pump, spa shock, spa sanitizer, and spa test strips. Make sure you have all these items on hand before you begin.

Now it’s time to open your spa.

  • Begin by pouring the filter cleaner into the filter canister and running the pump for 15 minutes. This will help to remove any built up dirt or debris that may be in the filter.
  • After the 15 minutes is up, turn off the pump and carefully remove the filter canister and discard the filter cleaner.
  • Next, attach the filter flosser to the end of your garden hose and run the pump for 15 minutes. This will help to remove any remaining dirt and debris from the filter.
  • After the 15 minutes is up, turn off the pump and remove the filter flosser. Once the filter has been cleaned, it’s time to add the spa shock and sanitizer.
  • Start by filling the spa with water and then add the spa shock. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how much shock to add.
  • Once the spa shock has been added, it’s time to add the spa sanitizer. Again, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how much sanitizer to add.
  • Finally, it’s time to test your spa water. Test strips are included in the SeaKlear Opening & Winterizing Kit. Once you’ve tested your water, adjust the levels as necessary. Once your spa is open and ready to use, you can enjoy it for months to come.

When winter arrives, it’s time to winterize your spa. This is a simple process that involves draining the spa and adding antifreeze to the pump and filter. This will help to protect your spa from any winter weather.

The SeaKlear 90243SKR Opening & Winterizing Kit Spa Accessories makes opening and winterizing your spa easy. With this kit, you’ll have everything you need to open and winterize your spa with ease.

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