For 15 minutes, immerse yourself in warm water and release lactic acid. This treatment helps to reduce joint inflammation and improve blood pressure. It also loosens tight muscles and helps with oxygen flow to the tissues.
Hot Tub Before Massage is a resounding yes! It's important to do so as it will make your experience more relaxing and effective. Just 15 minutes before your appointment, take a few minutes to enjoy the hot tub.
Ideally, avoid showing up for a spa appointment dripping wet. This will prevent the muscles from absorbing too much heat and retain it for up to an hour.
If you want to go back to the spa for 15 minutes, then take a soapy shower to remove the oils. A soak in the tub will do the same thing, and give your skin another tall drink of water.
You should also drink plenty of water after your hot tub treatment to help conserve the body's water. Also, try incorporating cucumber-melon infused water into your hot tub.
If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!