4 Important Tips For Closing Your Pool

As the cold season begins, it’s time to prepare for the outdoor activities that we usually do during the winter season. It also means saying goodbye to the pool that you love so much. Having a pool properly maintained is an investment that can last for years. Many pool owners will hire a pool company or build their own pool in order to protect their assets. There are a number of factors to consider when preparing for the winter season.


Add the Chemicals

When it comes to winterizing a pool, it's important to maintain the proper balance of chlorine, pH, and alkalinity. This can be achieved by adding a winterizing chemical kit.


Unplug and Drain

One of the most important parts of keeping a pool system running smoothly is making sure that all equipment is completely dry. It’s also a good time to empty chemical feeders. However, these chemicals can be hazardous and should be worn by the proper pool builders. If water is left inside equipment it can freeze and cause it to break. This can be costly if left untreated.


Winter Cover

Winters can be harsh and heavy, so it's important that you buy a winter cover that's specifically designed for this environment. A good cover will protect your pool from the sun, snow, ice, and algae.


Low the Water Properly

Make sure that the water level is at least 6 inches below the lowest part of the plumbing line.

Having the proper winterization done prior to the pool season can allow you to enjoy it all year long.


This post was originally published on HBPools


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